Monday, November 26, 2007

Cyber Monday, Where?

I heard all weekend about these fabulous deals for online shoppers that would be available on Monday only. Well, I did not see any new deals. It was the same old line that was fed to shoppers on Friday.

I checked my ING Direct account and was very happy. I wanted to buy something that I would need. I need a hair dryer. My blow dryer is missing the vent cover . . . I would like to dry my hair without worrying about electrocuting myself because something flew into the wrong end of the dryer. I was hoping that Ulta or Sally would have something . . . nothing.

I ended up buying a CD that I have wanted since last summer. It was cheaper on eBay than using the 40% off discount at Borders. I keep checking for jobs but, I am patient and know that He will provide.

Enjoy Cyber Monday!

On the stroll

Friday, November 23, 2007

Still unemployed.

Since it has been a week, I will fax deferrals for my student loans. Besides rent, they are my highest expense each month and without a steady income, I cannot afford it. Okay, without any income.

I have applied everywhere and am just waiting to get callbacks next week. I started reading What Color is Your Parachute? I have never read it and am hoping to get a bit of direction. If I could test hair and beauty products for $100K per year, I would do it. However, law school did not prepare me for that.

Anyway, on to saving money. I am about to cash my final check and add it to my ingdirect account. That should allow me to gain some interest.

I did something different this year for the Thanksgiving meal. I bought the meat and my friend (a regular at holiday meals) bought everything else. I spent less than $25 for a turkey breast and 8 pound ham. So, I think I had the better end of the deal. He bought the potatoes, green bean casserole ingredients, mac n cheese, bread, etc. However, since this is a man, we only had one can of cranberry sauce. We LOVE cranberry sauce so, that did not work well.

Today, I am having a no buy day. I'm still in my nightgown and just did not need anything. I have a couple of gifts for my son and he wants one other thing; dominoes. This fit into my monthly budget so, I bought 2 of the 3 things he wanted already. Should be a very good Christmas.

On the stroll

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Great time of the year

Well, I lost my job the other day. I'm not sure what happened and the issue will be resolved in litigation (or mediation). The sad thing is that I had an interview scheduled with another department today and we kept the interview. I guess that is all I should say about the situation until it is resolved.

The good part in all of this is that I have a plan to get me through the next few months. My F - U fund is not fully funded but, if nothing else, I can quickly get a retail gig to provide us with the basics.

Thanks to an ownership interest in an apartment building, I have a couple of places to move into at a minimal cost. I may try an alternative living arrangement like the one suggested by the simple dollar. I know someone that is having a HUGE financial crunch and by moving in, I can assist. Between that and deferring my largest school loan, I will save over $2k per month.

By the way, I need to send a shout out to my girl, she passed both the NY and NJ Bar! If we were the drinking kind, I would buy her a few rounds!

On the stroll

Monday, November 12, 2007


First, I must say thank you to all Veterans! My freedom is very important and I am so happy that you enlisted and served this wonderful country!

Because of my poor planning, I paid for lunch with plastic. I get paid on the 15th.

I know that I have major billage between the 1-15th of the month. Somehow, I added money to my ing account. Forgot to put it back into the checking account. Checking account is dry (at least my bills are paid). I transferred the money late so, I am waiting for the transfer to hit my account.

I guess this budgeting thing requires more planning than clipping coupons!

The best part is that I have money to transfer.

Plan these transfers so that you can take money out of the atm!

On the stroll

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Another Coupon Bonanza

I LOVE getting lots of coupons in the Sunday newspaper! Today was as good as last weekend!

Well, I didn't need much. Would love some fresh fruit but, seems in short supply. I ended up with bananas and oranges. Due to my dental issues, I passed on the apples. I may go back though because I had the most amazing apple pie last night.

According to my receipt, I saved $28.39 and spent $26.77! I did not even use coupons for most of the items I purchased! I LOVE IT.

Right now, the savings are earmarked for my big baby boy's Christmas.

Thanksgiving is in just over a week. I have the turkey breast, fried onions for the green bean casserole, bakings goods for the desserts . . . and have watched Martha Stewart's Thanksgiving Special.

Her trick to use a lemon to make the turkey juicy works and does not leave lemon flavoring in the turkey meat.

Last night, I attended a potluck for my cooking class (I made potato leek soup). I had lamb for the first time and met an interesting group of people. It was so nice to talk to people that understood how little good food there is in California. Very interesting people--okay, I have to say it, why would a 50 year old man need a myspace page? yes, he is in the entertainment industry. WOW.

On the stroll

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Has it been a week?

Saving money is hard to do. Well, not so much when you don't shop.

Staying home, going to the movies, relaxing with friends. All save money!

Guess what I've done? All of the above. Have I shopped? Not really.

I really need a bucket. Simple, right? Not so much. Stopped at Target. Red buckets only. Great price of $1.49 but only in red. Red is not my color.

Hit the drug stores. $6.49 for a 1 gallon bucket. Red does not sound too bad right now. I will look at Lowes (I need to return some hardware) and if they do not have it at a decent price, will check WalMart.

I really need it to wash the car and mop the floor. But, with gas at $3.25 per gallon, is it worth an extra trip? I think I will improvise until I need something else from WalMart.

On the flip side, I needed to fill a prescription and had a nifty coupoon from C>V>S> to get at $25 gift card for a new or transferred prescription. The co-pay on the prescription was $5 and I have $15 left on my flexible benefits card so, I spent nothing to get $25. When C.V.S has a good sale on something I need, I can use the card or, I can save it for a Christmas present.

On the stroll

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Bertoli Pasta and other musings

Today has been a long day. Busy at work. Had to rush home to feed the man sized 11 year old and am now relaxing. I needed to check the post office box and pick up some bread for the kid's lunch. Instead, I'm on the phone with his dad trying to bribe him into making the lunch. If I'm nice, maybe he will.

Anyway, those frozen Bertolli meals are good! We had the one with pasta and sausage along with a green vegetable and garlic bread and the kid is happy. We also have ice cream for dessert but, I'll wait until he is in the shower to have that treat!

I was so discouraged because I though that I was short for my 1-15 bills. When I did the math, I have extra and do not even need to touch the ing account! I truly thought that I needed to empty that sucker and borrow some more money. Made my day to see that I do not need to borrow, I have money in 2 interest earning savings accounts and I'm fine. As much as I think I have gone over the budget, I have remained on track!

In my daily exercise in frugality, I went to Target to get Dunkin Donuts coffee. When I grabbed the package, I saw the Maxwell House. I grind my own beans and make my coffee daily but, I decided to try the Maxwell House as it was less than half the cost of the Dunkin. So, I will have Maxwell House for the next month and $3 extra dollars in my pocket.

On the stroll